My playing needs an infusion of the blues. The more I listen, the more I note how often the players I most admire use blues notes and phrasings. So how to get that sound into my own? I have often heard that your record collection (or CDs or MP3s, etc.) is your best teacher. A cliche, I know, but still good advice. In his fine
The Jazz Theory Book (Sher, 1995) author Mark Levine describes the blues scale as part of his larger discussion of pentatonics (the blues scale can be understood as a minor pentatonic with a chromatic passing tone between scale degrees 4 and 5). He describes using the blues scale over a traditional 12-bar blues form but also on dominant chords more generally. So a C7 = C blues (C Eb F Gb G Bb). For playing the blues scale on a ii-V-I in C, Levine suggests either E or A blues (though one could play G blues over the G7, the idea here is to harmonically generalize) . Theoretically these choices make sense, but my record collection tends to disagree. Listen to Wynton Kelly tear up "On Green Dolphin Street" (from
Kelly Blue, 1959). Near the end of his solo, Kelly plays something close a striking blues phrase on the Eb tonic chord, most often played as a major seventh chord. The phrase is straight Eb blues emphasizing all the blues notes: the b7, b5, and b3. I don't think Paul Chambers plays a D-natural so there isn't as striking a clash as there might have been. Still, the lesson is very clear: tonic blues over tonic chord--major, minor, anytime, anywhere.
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